Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > oneness and belief and realization > Page 4


the Way of the worthy One - Belief to Realization

Page 4

Yet, the search can serve a purpose. The search comes to a halt when realizing the futility of the search. Words about Truth serve a purpose, to exhaust the greed of the mind to grasp the Inconceivable. As long as one rides in a boat of words, she cannot give herself to the Sea of Ineffability. Upon the boat sinking, with its cargo of ideology, she surrenders herself to the Depths.

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This move from the head to the heart, this is the move from belief to knowing, to seeing, to silence. This awakening can come to us in diverse ways, and we never know where we will have a heart-opening to Truth. Jon M. Sweeny, in Almost Catholic, shares -

When Edith Stein read St. Teresa of Avila's autobiography, she stayed up all night, engrossed. This was the first time Stein experienced God as real. Afterward, she sensed the divine Presence so strongly that she felt compelled to become a Christian and Roman Catholic. Later, she became a nun.

Edith Stein responded to Truth by devoting her life through the Catholic Church. One way we know we have experienced this encounter is our lives are not the same afterward. A sign of being awakened to the Absolute is that we cannot but give ourselves in Love to Love. We know, then, that we are not giving our lives to a path, a faith, a religion, or a tradition, we are resigning ourselves to Something living. That we cannot speak Truth and grow to will to speak of It less, this is for It is.

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(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2020

*Huang Po Hsi Yun. The Zen Teachings of Huang Po: On The Transmission Of Mind. Trans. John Blofeld.

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > oneness and belief and realization > Page 4

©Brian Wilcox 2025